Full course description
Learners develop hands-on experience by utilizing Python programming language to ask and answer questions from data. Learners build on their Python programming skills for a variety of analytics-related tasks: data loading, data preparation, descriptive analysis, visualization, loading and gathering data using an API, and transforming textual data into meaningful insights.
What to Expect
Expect to spend 2-3 hours per week learning and practicing core concepts by watching presentations from NU instructors and other industry pros; completing short readings on course topics; discussing your observations, experiences, and findings in asynchronous discussions; and completing weekly knowledge checks on the materials.
What You’ll Learn
The workshop helps you sharpen the following skills:
Once you complete the workshop, you will earn a Level 2 digital badge signifying your participation in opportunities to practice and apply your skills, and get some feedback from your instructor and peers. You can showcase your badge on professional and social networks, and/or add it to your resumé or CV.
Refund Policy: Refunds will be given if you cancel prior to beginning the course. To cancel your registration in this course, please contact canvas_catalog@northeastern.edu and reference the Receipt Number sent to your email. Please note that refund transactions, once approved, can take a few weeks to process.